Mohamed Elhout is a Project Management and Business Analysis Professional with the experience of operating within complex projects environment.
Mohamed Elhout is a renowned expert in project management, with a passion for helping project-oriented professionals excel in their roles. He has spearheaded and delivered both in-person and web-based seminars and courses on project management, PMI certifications, and project control tools.
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Why be surprised when you take the actual exam? Find your gaps before the exam finds them for you! Practice Mock-up Exams with great detail.
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The tutor has done an exceptional work with this course, I love that it is short and more consise. I've covered several courses myself, so I'm happy that this course is straight to the point. And I'm even more excited that he links to the PMI guide so that I can easily add more info when needed, and also, kudos for allowing your slides to be downloadable . Very few people agree to that. I would have added 6 starts, but well, 5 is the max for now
It was a nice experience to practice the questions of this exam simulation. I believe that the likelihood to pass the real exam will increase after finishing this simulation.