If you're searching about how to get PMI-PBA® certification, you may have some questions about it, like why should I have this certificate? Is the PMI-PBA® exam difficult? and is it suitable for me or not?
What is PMI-PBA®?
Business analysis is the set of activities performed to support the delivery of solutions that align to business objectives and provide continuous value to the organization.
If your work is related to manage product development, manage requirements, or you're a project or program manager, you really need to have PMI-PBA® certification.
For project management, business analysis became a high important specialization. PMI-PBA® can spotlight your valuable skills related to business analysis.
Is the PMI-PBA® exam difficult?
You may have some worries about this exam, or have bad thinking about difficulties you may face. Don't worry we'll help you to have an obvious route and a clear way to pass it.
Applying Requirements
There are some requirements you need to have before applying for PMI-PBA® certification:
If you have a secondary degree, like a high school diploma or associate’s degree, you need to have also 7500 hours of business analysis experience and 35 contact hours of education in business analysis.
If you have a bachelor’s degree or a global equivalent, you need to have 4500 hours of business analysis experience and also 35 contact hours of education in business analysis.
Is the PMI-PBA®Exam difficult?
In short, It's easy to be a PMI-PBA® certified, but you should prepare yourself well before the exam by spending some efforts to plan your study, be committed to it, and practice mock-up exams.
Be aware, PMI-PBA® exam isn't written according to any text or references, Exam is depending on the set of knowledge, abilities, and skills that you have gained from both, learning and practical experiences.
the PMI-PBA®Exam outline
You need to answer 200 Multiple-choice questions in 4 hours to pass the PMI-PBA Exam. 175 questions of them are distributed among domains in this way:
Domain 1. Needs Assessment with 18%
Domain 2. Planning with 22%
Domain 3. Analysis with 35%
Domain 4. Traceability and Monitoring with 15%
Domain 5. Evaluation with 10%
The remaining 25 questions will be dispersed throughout the domains, they will be pretest questions that won't count in the score, this pretest helps PMI to monitor the better performance of questions, to make the final data-bank of test question better.
Now, If you're still asking Is PMI-PBA® Exam difficult? We'll say No.
All you need is some effort. Encourage yourself and start now. To have a more easy exam, you should be familiar with the different types of questions, practice with us a PMI-PBA®A Mock-up Exam.
Follow up the upcoming articles of my PMI-PBA® Exam tips with a view to easing the path to getting certified — as the information provided by PMI nor on the internet is clear enough.